There are many ways to serve in our church including many flexible opportunities for individuals, groups and families. We appreciate your support!
Greeters Needed!
Greeters are needed for all services. If you can help with this need, please contact Linda Jackson.
Click Here to Volunteer for Sundays.
- purchasing loaves of bread and juice (reimbursed)
- putting them on the altar before each service
- cleaning them up after each service
Please enquire about becoming an usher for our Sunday or Special Services:
9:00 Service – Lee Buchele,
11:00 Service – Bob Horton, 919-550-6059,
Coffee Time
Requires making coffee, setting out snacks, and juice at 9am in the coffee time area between the Fellowship Hall and Parlor on the first floor. Start making coffee and setting up around 9 or 9:30 and clean up after the 11:00 service. Contact Sarah Norris, 919-631-6084,
Music Ministry
Through the Choir, Handbell Choir and Praise Team, the Music Ministry plays an important role in our worship here at Horne. There are opportunities for permanent and flexible scheduling for musicians and singers. Find out more on the Music Ministry page.
Sound/Media Technicians needed at all worship services!
Media Team at 11 AM runs everything you see on the screen on Sunday mornings. This is set up in advance by the worship team and is as easy as volunteers clicking a button. Volunteers serve on a rotational basis, and we can work with your availability. The time needed is from 9:30 AM-11:45 AM Sunday mornings. Contact if you are interested.
Sound Team at 11 AM that runs the sound for contemporary service and practice on Sunday mornings are needed from 9:30 AM-11:45 AM. You can sign up for a month or specific days. There will be plenty of training, so you will be comfortable with your role.
Email Julia Lopp, if interested.
The Horne Church library is located on the first floor by the parlor. Please inquire about volunteering in our church library. Contact Mary Ann Horton at
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Ministry
Wednesday night Fellowship Meals are available on Wednesday nights from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited, no registration needed. A generous love offering is appreciated. Would your group like to host a Wednesday Night Dinner? Contact Sarah Norris, 919-631-6084, to sign up.
Altar Flowers
Altar Flowers are a wonderful way to celebrate and remember those we love. The cost for flowers is $65 and can be placed in the offering plate the Sunday before your flower date. To sign up for Sanctuary Altar Flowers use this form.